Source code for ridgeplot._colors

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union

from _plotly_utils.colors import validate_colors, validate_scale_values
from plotly.colors import find_intermediate_color, hex_to_rgb, label_rgb

from ridgeplot._utils import LazyMapping, normalise_min_max

# A colorscale is an iterable (usually a list or tuple) of tuples of two
# elements:
#   - the first element (a _scale value_) is a float bounded to the
#     interval [0, 1]
#   - the second element (a _color_) is a string representation of a
#     color parsable by Plotly
# For instance, The Viridis colorscale would be defined as
# >>> get_colorscale("viridis")
# ... ((0.0, 'rgb(68, 1, 84)'),
# ...  (0.1111111111111111, 'rgb(72, 40, 120)'),
# ...  (0.2222222222222222, 'rgb(62, 73, 137)'),
# ...  (0.3333333333333333, 'rgb(49, 104, 142)'),
# ...  (0.4444444444444444, 'rgb(38, 130, 142)'),
# ...  (0.5555555555555556, 'rgb(31, 158, 137)'),
# ...  (0.6666666666666666, 'rgb(53, 183, 121)'),
# ...  (0.7777777777777777, 'rgb(110, 206, 88)'),
# ...  (0.8888888888888888, 'rgb(181, 222, 43)'),
# ...  (1.0, 'rgb(253, 231, 37)'))
ColorScaleType = Iterable[Tuple[float, str]]
ColorScaleMappingType = Dict[str, ColorScaleType]

_PATH_TO_COLORS_JSON = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("colors.json")

def _colormap_loader() -> ColorScaleMappingType:
    colors: dict = json.loads(_PATH_TO_COLORS_JSON.read_text())
    for name, colorscale in colors.items():
        colors[name] = tuple(tuple(entry) for entry in colorscale)
    return colors

_COLORSCALE_MAPPING = LazyMapping(loader=_colormap_loader)

def validate_colorscale(colorscale: ColorScaleType) -> None:
    """Validate the structure, scale values, and colors of colorscale.

    Adapted from :py:func:`_plotly_utils.colors.validate_colorscale`.
    scale, colors = zip(*colorscale)

def _any_to_rgb(color: Union[str, tuple]) -> str:
    if not isinstance(color, (str, tuple)):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected str or tuple for color, got {type(color)} instead.")
    if isinstance(color, tuple):
        rgb = label_rgb(color)
    elif color.startswith("#"):
        rgb = label_rgb(hex_to_rgb(color))
    elif color.startswith("rgb("):
        rgb = str(color)
        raise ValueError(
            f"color should be a tuple or a str representation of a hex or rgb color, got {color!r} instead."
    return rgb

[docs]def get_all_colorscale_names() -> Tuple[str]: """Returns a tuple with all available colorscale names.""" return tuple(_COLORSCALE_MAPPING.keys())
def get_colorscale(name: str) -> ColorScaleType: """Helper to get a known colorscale. Parameters ---------- name The colorscale name. This argument is case-insensitive. For instance, "YlOrRd" and "ylorrd" map to the same colorscale. Colorscale names ending in '*_r' represent to a _reversed_ colorscale. Raises ------ :py:func:`ValueError` If an unknown name is provided """ name = name.lower() if name not in _COLORSCALE_MAPPING: raise ValueError( f"Could not find colorscale '{name}'. The available colorscale" f" names are {tuple(_COLORSCALE_MAPPING.keys())}." ) return _COLORSCALE_MAPPING[name] def get_color(colorscale: ColorScaleType, midpoint: float) -> str: """Given a colorscale, it interpolates the expected color at a given midpoint, on a scale from 0 to 1.""" if not (0 <= midpoint <= 1): raise ValueError(f"The 'midpoint' should be a float value between 0 and 1, not {midpoint}.") scale = [s for s, _ in colorscale] colors = [_any_to_rgb(c) for _, c in colorscale] del colorscale if midpoint in scale: return colors[scale.index(midpoint)] ceil = min(filter(lambda s: s > midpoint, scale)) floor = max(filter(lambda s: s < midpoint, scale)) midpoint_normalised = normalise_min_max(midpoint, min_=floor, max_=ceil) color: str = find_intermediate_color( lowcolor=colors[scale.index(floor)], highcolor=colors[scale.index(ceil)], intermed=midpoint_normalised, colortype="rgb", ) return color def apply_alpha(color: Union[tuple, str], alpha: float) -> str: color = _any_to_rgb(color) return f"rgba({color[4:-1]}, {alpha})"